Why there is difference between paper trading and live auto?

I am on the retail plus plan and using continuous condition check but I can see PNL difference in paper trading and live auto of my deployment ?? any possible reason

1. Paper Trading is a tiny bit slower than Live trading. This is because we have heavily scaled the servers which are handling Live deployments.

2. The LTP data that you see on the deployed page is pushed from the server after ever few seconds to your browser. Now when the browser receives this data, it render it into human readable numbers for you to view. Now this rendering may sometimes be delayed based on your processor speed and version of browser

3. The PNL is calculated locally in your browser. This is done to save resources and speed up the execution on the server side now, think of it this way, if in a multi leg strategy , if one of the leg LTP is rendered a bit delayed, the whole PNL calculation you see would be incorrect and gives you the impression that the condition has hit however, in real case it has not. Check your MTM in browser window if it is correct.

4. Rest assured that, the strategy is absolutely running on real time values and accurate execution
it is only the display which is a bit delayed, this display delay is increased even more if you open more tabs or switch your tabs.