Why SL not triggered?

Can someone point out why Stop Loss not triggered in this case ? It should have triggered at 15% of entry price (254) at 216. Screenshot shows Universal exit and orderbook.

Now we have Leg Exit and Leg TSL keywords,

In Leg exit keyword you can select Stoploss Percentage, Target Percentage, Stoploss Points, Target Points.

While Leg TSL is just like the Whole strategy TSL, The only diffrence is you can lock profit

Thanks for the reply. But my question is unanswered as I want to figure out the mistake in my algo

Which section you kept your exit logic?
Repair? Or Set exit? Or Universal exit?

The mistake in your algo is the use of keyword “traded instrument” instead of “LTP”.

Your condition is basically comparing LTP with name of the traded instrument multiplied with 0.85 or 1.1, which is clearly a mistake.

To correct it, use LTP on the right side of equation too. Also, the way you have written the equation, it won’t work. Its better to store the last LTP in a runtime variable and compare it with the current LTP.

Cultbuddy - his coding is correct. He is comparing LTP with entry price. May be he has placed this conditions in incorrect block

This was used in Universal exit.
Where should be this placed to achieve following results ?
How to restrict number of trades for the day ?

  • Book 75% quantity on 10% profit

  • Book remaining 25% on 20% profit

  • Book all on 15% loss

If you are looking at profit and loss at strategy level then use PNL keyword at ‘Universal Repair Once’ . You have to add 3 repair once - each one for 75%, 25%, 15%

If you are looking at profit/loss at set level then use your current code at set level repair once. Here also use 3 repair once to satisfy 3 condition