Wait and trade, entry condition

How to do-

Lets say I selected the OTM 5 at 10 am,
I will trade if this strike price will move X %

How I will make such entry condition?


“I will trade if this strike price will move X %” … w.r.t. what ??

With respect to price of this strike at 10am

Program to enter trade at 10.01 am. Compare the closing price of the last 5 minute candle (candle from 9.55.00 to 9.59.59) wrt to closing price of 9.15 candle) with the conditions you want …

I think this can’t be achieved directly in Tradetron. No feature of saving current value to use it later. Also can’t refer past value of non traded instruments.

However below complex logic can be used. For example you are using 15M candle and you are trying to compare closing price at 10:00 AM

LTP > (CLOSE Price (-1)* X℅) && Time > 10:00 && time < 10:15
LTP > (CLOSE Price (-2) * X℅) && Time > 10:15 && time < 10:30
follow same logic for Close(-3) , -4, -5 till your condition satisfied