Order entry on High of prvevious candle + 5 pts


I want to place Order entry on High of prvevious candle + 5 pts when certain condtions are met also it should check previous candle lenght < 75 Points . I tried to find but unable to find in existing QnA. Can any one help me how to achive this?

Use this logic
LTP >= HIGH(of last candle) + 5
HIGH(of last candle) - LOW (of last candle) < 75


Thanks, Can you please reconfirm below ?

Looks good for first condition

Hi Rama

It seems there is one hack in it if (-1 ) pre-entry candle statisfies all entry conditions but current candle LTP did not break or less than pre-entry candle high + 5 points. May be next 1,2,3 candles satisfies pre-entry candle high +5 rule. What is logic for this? Is any key word which identifies pre-entry candle?

There is no keyword for this continuous candle check. Also we can’t carry a value through a variable and use it in our strategy where ever we want. So much limitations in Tradetron

@racha2068 I want to place Order entry on LOW of previous candle - 5 pts . To take entry in PE buy

LTP <= LOW(of last candle) - 5
HIGH(of last candle) - LOW(of last candle) > 75

The above logic are correct?
Please help