Newbie - Strategy got executed only once

Hi All, I am a beginner to algo trading and started creating a strategy(2080173) basically a short straddle with some variation as in the screenshot attached. This got executed on the 1st day but not in the last 2 days. Maybe I am missing some parameter. Could you please help?


I am still paper trading. Sorry to say but this platform is very unstable. What was working smoothly yesterday is not working today. My conditions get triggered but there is no order placement.
I am trading nifty and banknifty options of this expiry. This was working yesterday. It is not working today.

Please check the notification logs.
If there are no entries then consider making conditions OR in paper trading - DO NOT DO THIS IN LIVE SESSION with REAL MONEY.
This will generate entries most of the times. Confirm there are no errors. Then confirm all the numbers/ tables refer to the exact contract you are referring to. If still orders are not firing then there is some problem beyond your code. Since you are saying it worked once I am assuming you have selected lots and not quantity in position builder. Hope this helps.

But the entry conditions are straight forward, time and position details. I am not sure if the tradetron team also keeps an eye on the open queries and could suggest something.

Same here. I feel it is easier to learn python and DIY algo-trading than using any of these platforms. At least the keywords are less and do not change meaning on a daily basis. How much and for how long can the users help each other without proper TT support? btw, my options are generating orders today- not worked yesterday, worked day before. MCX is still not working. Check my other question, on MCX execution. The condition can not be any simpler. Just doesn’t get executed.

In advanced setting below have you changed reactivate settings to 6 hrs.
Default setting is NEVER…So your strategy wont get reactivated…Set to 6hrs or 12 hrs if you want only 1 execution per day…