Need help in creating Strategy

Dear all, I am a new trader. I have following python code. Can anyone please create strategy on Tradetron and share it on [email protected] according to this code please…

Define strategy parameters

lower_threshold = 500
upper_threshold = 600
target_percentage = 2.5 / 100 # 2.5%
stop_loss_percentage = 5 / 100 # 5%

Function to execute market order

def execute_market_order(symbol, quantity, order_type):
# Execute market order logic here
pass # Replace this with actual code to execute market order

Main function

def main():
# Connect to data source providing premium data for BankNifty 47000 strike call option
# Replace this with actual code to connect to data source

# Infinite loop to continuously monitor premium data
while True:
    # Get premium data
    premium = get_premium_data()  # Replace with actual function to get premium data

    # Check if premium crosses above upper threshold
    if premium > upper_threshold:
        # Execute market buy order
        execute_market_order("BANKNIFTY_47000_CALL", 1, "BUY")
        executed_price = premium

        # Calculate target price and stop-loss price
        target_price = executed_price * (1 + target_percentage)
        stop_loss_price = executed_price * (1 - stop_loss_percentage)

        # Continuously monitor premium data after buy order is executed
        while True:
            premium = get_premium_data()  # Replace with actual function to get premium data

            # Check if premium reaches target price
            if premium >= target_price:
                # Execute market sell order to exit at target
                execute_market_order("BANKNIFTY_47000_CALL", 1, "SELL")

            # Check if premium drops below stop-loss price
            if premium <= stop_loss_price:
                # Execute market sell order to exit at stop-loss
                execute_market_order("BANKNIFTY_47000_CALL", 1, "SELL")

            # Sleep for a certain interval before checking again
            time.sleep(60)  # Sleep for 60 seconds (adjust as needed)

    # Sleep for a certain interval before checking again
    time.sleep(60)  # Sleep for 60 seconds (adjust as needed)

Entry point of the script

if name == “main”:

thanks a lot