Knowing spot value

Hello folks,

I am new to tradetron just wanted to know if I sold a straddle of BNF say 42000 (Round LTP) and the actual spot was 42018

I just want to put stop loss after 100 point from the actual spot price and not the strike where straddle was bought.

not sure which function brings actual spot price. I know that for strike I need to do in traded instrument and then select strike but that is not requirement.

Can anyone help in this. thanks

You can use run time variable for this.
In Set 1 entry runtime variables you can add variable named say “EntSpot” and and assign its value to LTP(Instrument Name, NFO, NIFTY BANK,). So as soon as set one is entered this will assign the value of entry spot to the variable “EntSpot”.
You can refer to it by keyword Get Runtime and entering the variable name.

For further details of use of run time variables you can watch the videos

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