Initial variable

Hello folks,

I am new to tradetron community so please bear with me.

I am strugging with one logic and I thought it better to ask here from exepreinced people.

I want in the intial variable ATM CE premium value to be stored. but not sure what is the keyword for that ? ( and also ATM strike to be stored that I can do with LTP round keyword)

Then I want in entry condition latest premium value of that strike which was also stored in intitial variable is increased for example from 100 to 105 then trade to be taken. not sure how to check latest premium value of the strike which was stored.

Thanks in advance

Use ‘Get Runtime’ keyword to retrieve stored variable

Thanks, but how to get premium value stored.

and how to get strike, based on premium.

I am not aware about that keyword

How to select strike as per options premium value in initial variable?

Check the below screenshot…it may help to solve your problem. Add them at Intialization at the time you want to store the values.

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