I have a CE position traded @ 150 as part of strategy entry condition (traded as leg 3)
Now I need to add a condition to buy a CE with strike 100 points above the traded CE position(leg 3) when the premium crosses > 200.
I added this under repair once but always fail to execute.
My strategy repair once looks like the below:
Condition : ( LTP ( Traded Instrument Name ( ‘strategy_id’, ‘run_counter’, ‘Entry’, ‘instrument’, ‘NIFTY BANK’, ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘3’ ) , ‘LTP’ ) > Number ( ‘140’ ) )
Position (fx) : NIFTY BANK ( Traded Instrument ( ‘strategy_id’, ‘run_counter’, ‘Entry’, ‘strike’, ‘NIFTY BANK’, ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘3’ ) + Number ( ‘100’ ) ) CE tt_curr_weekexpiry(‘NIFTY BANK’)
Could someone please point out what is that I am doing wrong here?