How to reenter in same strike once SL is hit?

Let say , I sold 22500 straddle which is at ATM.
22500 CE = 55 rupees
22500 PE = 62 rupees.

My SLL for each leg is at trigger:95 limit:100 rupees. i.e. if 22500 CE hits 100 then 22500 CE will be closed.
However, I would like to reenter 22500 CE if the price comes down to trigger: 92 and reentry: 88
once i reenter i would to have SLL at trigger:95 limit:100 rupees.

can I create this in Tradetron?

I think you have to use Runtime Variables. Create a Runtime variable ‘SP’ and use ‘Traded Instrument’ with ‘Entry Strike’ and assign it to SP.
Then use ‘Get Runtime’ to access ‘SP’ in another set, and place another trade once the SL is triggered.