Hi, guys please help me on this.
I want to recheck the SL criteria after 1-2 sec of SL triggered just to confirmed that SL triggered is not caused by any freak trade. then exit if still SL condition is meeting.
Not possible through Standard Tradetron. You may achieve this through custom coding.
Can this problem be minimized by changing this to 1 min instead of contineous?
or if I check "difference bid and ask price <= 5 rs " in BN weekly option before exit condition, will this save me from freak trade exit.?
Yes possible. You need to use 1 Min candle. Your exit will be 2 continuous 1 min candle hit SL.
Caution: lot of slippage you may expect as you wait 2 min to exit
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what about this solution?
No idea on this. …