GetRuntime is not there in FX during Position

Hello Friends,

I have a runtime variable initialized in the Initialise Variables section based on a simple arithmatic math formulae. It’s a pretty tedious to write a math formulae in Tradetron using those recursive Math Operations keywords.

It’s like this one:

myvar is set to using Fx in Initialse Variable section:
( Math Operation ( LTP ( Instrument Name ( 'NFO,NIFTY BANK,,,,,' ) , 'LTP' ) , Math Operation ( Math Operation ( Number ( '100' ) , Math Operation ( Iv ( Instrument Name ( 'NFO,NIFTY BANK,,,,,' ) ) , Number ( '7.211' ) , '/' ) , '+' ) , Number ( '100' ) , '/' ) , '*' ) )

Now I want to use the Round(GetRuntime('myvar), 100) for BankNifty while taking a position in the Position section.

However I can only see GetRuntime Number in the Fx there. No Get Runtime.

Please help, if you can.

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I have the same question. Can anyone help here