Does repair once gets checked again after set exit and set reentry

i am creating short straddle with leg percentage stop loss in repair once. if the set exit happens and then set reenters does the leg percentage stop loss in repair once still work and execute if the percentage sl reaches again?

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After set exit, no new positions are taken
But if you re-enter your strategy all SL mentioned in the repair ones still work like your previous set.

If set re-enters after sex exit, when entry conditions are fulfilled, then repair once will also trigger as per the condition set in it.

I guess this behavior is changed… Here is my entry in image

now once repair once condition satisfied it squares off that entry. and re-enters based on same entry condition.
but for next entry repair once doesn’t work.

That’s how it is. If repair once squares off position and due to this squaring off set re-enters, repair once will not trigger again. Use Repair Continuous instead, Or you can use Set exit to square off position.
If you have only 1 set, then you won’t have set exit conditions. To have only 1 active set and still get Set exit condition add a set - i.e. Set 2.
For set 2 entry give a condition which will never meet. e.g. Week Day = 8 which will never meet, so this set will never work. But you will get set exit condition for Set 1.
Now move your repair once conditions to Set exit. So it will square off the position through set exit.
If set exit is taken even if you have repair once to re-adjust legs etc. they will again work after re-entry of the set.