All about SLL (Stop Loss Limit) Orders on Tradetron:

This thread will contain all details of Stop Loss Limit Order feature available in Tradetron

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How to use SLL in Tradetron:

Question: Can Tranching (as per Advanced Settings) be used with SLL Orders Stategy?

Answer. No. It cannot be used.

Question: Is it possible to modify SLL order through Tradetron?

Answer: No, It cannot be modified from Tradetron once it is placed at broker terminal

Question: Is it possible to Cancel SLL order through Tradetron?

Answer: No, It cannot be Cancelled from Tradetron once it is placed at broker terminal

Hi Nelson,

Thanks for the reply. Is there any way to cancel all pending SLL order after the universal exit?
If so, how? If not, why not? It will become semi automated if one have to cancel all pending SLL orders every time. Please suggest some solution for this.


Upon Universal Exit, all pending SLL orders will be automatically cancelled.


Hi Nelson,

Thanks again for the reply. I am seeing upon universal exit also, the pending SLL orders are not getting canceled. In one of the video on tradetron youtube channel (Same video in this thread at time 12.20), it was mentioned that any one open position (in any set) must be there. Then only all pending SLL will be canceled.

Please clarify.