Universal Exit PNL

Hi ,
Did a simple PNL universal exit based on absolute number? Worked well for 1x multiplier when deployed. But when deployed with 2x or 3x Multiplier, the PNL number compared is not multiplied and get exited with same absolute number mentioned in the formula. for example, if the PNL>8000 exit is in code, it exit at 8000 for 1x / 2x / 3x multiplier in the deployed filed. Ideally, i expect the PNL condition to be 8000, 16000,24000. Let me know how to include the Multiplier in the condition. Thanks.

please use * multiplier keyword


thanks. Is there a way to use multiplier at strategy level TSL. as i see only absolute number allowed. thanks in advance.

TSL will be auto multiplied so nothing to worry there


thanks a lot. It helps.
