DAYS Difference Keyword

How does DAY Difference kwyword work.

I want to take a trade of monthend expiry options on first Friday of the expiry.

any suggestions.

I have used day difference > 30 but it is not working.

Share the screen shot of condition builder…Please

Try this. Logic here is : This month expiry first Friday = Last Month Expiry Date + 1 Day

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and also add condition of [Week day (NSE)] == Number(5)

Yes we can but one catch here : if expiry happens on Wednesday instead of Thursday then it fails.

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So use AND of both condition
Dayd Difference D2-D1 >= 1
Week day(NSE) == Number (4)

Number(4) …you mean Number(5)?

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Yes…5 for Friday…

It works. But as I mentioned earlier it fails in scenario of Wednesday expiry